The story of Lotus Biscoff starts in 1932 in a local bakery in Lembeke, a Belgian town. The unique recipe was brought to perfection with carefully selected natural ingredients. Today, Lotus Bakeries is still family-owned and based in its home town. And from there, the tasty cookie continues to conquer the world. Lotus Biscoff cookies are made using a unique recipe perfected in 1932 in a local bakery in Lembeke, a Belgian town.
Give a long-standing classic a new twist and create a totally crave-worthy dessert to seduce every chocolate lover. And be sure to keep enough aside for a second (or third) serving.
For 8 portions
- 7oz dark chocolate
- ¾ cup Lotus Biscoff Creamy Cookie Butter
- 5 eggs
- 1 cup whipping cream
- Heat the chocolate and Biscoff together in the microwave or au bain-marie until melted. Leave to rest before stirring to blend.
- Separate the eggs and beat the whites until stiff. Set aside. Whip the cream and set aside.
- Add the yolks one by one to the chocolate and Biscoff mixture, stirring thoroughly after adding each yolk.
- Carefully fold the egg whites into the mixture and then fold in the whipped cream.
- Spoon the chocolate and Biscoff mousse into 8 glass dishes and put in the refrigerator to firm.
Where to Buy Ingredients
- Shop online at and have it delivered to you.